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Essential Oils Chantel Hutnan Essential Oils Chantel Hutnan

The best way to purchase doTERRA essential oils and products?

I am going to take you through the best way to purchase your oils and try to make this nice and simple so you understand what it is you are "signing up for". Signing up can be scary, so let me make this as transparent as possible. 

I recently realised that I never actually told you guys how to get your hands on these amazing doTERRA's essential oils and join this oily love affair with me (my bad!). And just in case you have no idea why I am talking about essential oils and if I've turned into an oil sniffing hippy, you can head over and read this blog, about why I feel passionate about using essential oils and choose to share them with those who are curious.

I am going to take you through the best way to purchase your oils and try to make this nice and simple so you understand what it is you are "signing up for". Signing up can be scary, so let me make this as transparent as possible. 

In the name of transparency, please be warned - these oils may very well change your life physically, emotionally & even financially if you so desire. And you may need to eventually invest in a few of these storage boxes... remember, I warned you here first. 


Ok, so first and foremost you can purchase these oils at RETAIL price or WHOLESALE price. I personally cannot think of a good reason to pay retail, once you understand how to purchase them at wholesale. 

Becoming a wholesale member and or a wellness advocate:

  • Access to the oils at 25% off the retail price

  • No lock in commitment to purchase

  • Eligible for the monthly Loyalty Reward Program to receive 10–30% of your orders back in points redeemable for FREE product (the best way to purchase products and build your oil and /or product collection)

  • Shipping Reward Points: Option to receive the cost of your shipping back in points redeemable for free product

  • Eligible for the FREE product: Place a monthly order over 125 PV and receive the free product of the month

  • Renewal Fee "Covered": After becoming a Wholesale Member, the yearly renewal fee for a wholesale membership is $25.00. This renewal fee comes with a free bottle of Peppermint, one of the most popular oils dōTERRA offers, a retail value of $27.33. So you practically renew you wholesale membership for FREE.

  • Continued one on one support, with myself. Including a free initial wellness consult to help determine the right oils to support your needs and get you set up with an accounting hassle free

  • A free catch up, again, once your oils have arrived to make sure you know how to use them and get the best out of them.

  • Access to an exclusive/private FB group so that you can feel comfortable to ask questions about anything that you are confused or worried about, share experiences, tips, and get ideas from other like-minded people.

In addition to all of the above a WELLNESS ADVOCATE membership (this is what I have) gives you access to the following:

  • Bonuses & Compensation: dōTERRA provides a business opportunity for those interested in creating an income. This may not be your intention (it certainly wasn't mine) but doTERRA has been super generous and made it very easy to be rewarded for sharing the oils with others. Through passion, dedication, and love this can be a very sustainable business. My advice, don't rule it out, even if you feel like it isn't an option right now. There is no disadvantage of keeping this door open.

  • Personal Website: Receive a personal website that can be used if you would like to share essential oils with others.

In my experience, once people have experienced the oils they almost always want to reorder more. Setting up a wholesale/wellness membership account is the easiest way to get what you want when you want it at a significantly reduced price, grow your collection, get freebies and potentially earn some money by sharing it with your loved ones, friends and colleagues. 

Worried you won't fall in love or know how to use the oils?

I assure you, neither will happen. But just to reassure you, you can cancel your membership anytime, no fee applied. As for the second concern, it is my job to make sure you are confident with every oil. There are SO many supportive resources to ensure you get the most out of your oils that I will share with you. Plus you have access to me whenever you need via the FB group. 

How to set up your wholesale/wellness advocate account?

There are two options:

1. Pay an initial Introductory membership fee of $AU35 to allow you access to wholesale prices (minimum of 25% discount) and have your very own online shopping account where you can purchase your oils, blends, products whenever you need. To keep your wholesale pricing you need to order a minimum of 1 product per year. Lemon oil is $13.50 so should be pretty achievable. 

2. Purchase an enrollment kit and your membership fee is waived. The kits are valued significantly cheaper than if you were to purchase the oils individually. Allowing you access to a diversity of oils at a much more affordable price. ****This is how I signed up and this is what I would recommend. 

Check out the enrollment AUS kits here and the US kits here if you have any questions please reach out at


Ok, hopefully, you are still with me?

Here are the next steps to join me in this oily joining... 

1. Click this link

2. Click “Join and Save” up the top

3. Choose your language and country

4. Choose where you would like your products shipped from (obviously the closest to you)

5. Choose Wholesale Customer

6. Enter your contact and shipping info

7. At Enroller ID, if it’s not here already, enter my number: 4763919

8. Hit submit

9. Select your wholesale starter kit ***  (click here to see all AUS starter kits , click here for US starter kits) OR click “Introductory packet  AU$35” (this is your membership, ignore if you have selected a kit)

10. Create your custom order (click your cursor where it says search additional products and type your product) and select your products (click THIS ONE for AUS products and THIS ONE for US to have a little look through all of the wonderful products you can get your hands on, and then click HERE to check out the prices). ***

11. Enter your payment information and then click “Process Order Now and Continue”

Ok, that’s it, you have made it. If you haven't made and you are on struggle street then please reach out and I will take care of this part for you. 

Immediately after signing up, a confirmation email from dōTERRA will be delivered to your email (and to me), with your wholesale membership number.  You will then be able to log in and manage your orders from your very own online shopping account. 

We will then set up a time to go over everything once your oils arrive. In addition, you will receive a series of support emails from myself over the coming weeks (I promise I won't overload you) with lots of information and resources to guide you and get you started. 

A final note on the Loyalty Rewards Program.

As you begin to fall in love with your oils over the coming months, you may very well be excited to get your hands on some more.


Not to mention doTERRA also have an incredible supplement range that you can check out in your back office as well as everyday products like toothpaste, laundry wash, skin care products, lip balms, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant and more that are free of chemical crap that you may usually buy at the supermarket. 

Setting up your Loyalty Rewards Programs allows you to earn free product points and free shipping points with every purchase. Every doTERRA product has a product point value. These product points increase every 3 months from 10% to 30% at 12 months. This method is truly the most cost-effective way to build your oil collection and take advantage of the amazing offers that doTERRA host every month, like the FREE product of the month with any order over 125PV.

I hope this is helpful and if you still have questions then please reach out. I know I was super confused when I started, so please get clarity so you are confident with your products, because they really are worth the investment. 



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