Understanding the communication from within.

Video recording + written notes package

A 90 minute deep dive into the intricate & alive ecology of female hormones & body wisdom. In this session we come ready to hear the messages & honour the calls from within. 

Missing periods, painful periods, heavy bleeds, clots, missing libidos, fatigue, lacking lustre, turbulent transitions, is no longer the standard we hold for ourselves and our daughters.

No, we are here as the first generation resourced to reestablish our relationship with our hormones & our body as an untapped source of instruction, wisdom, power & harmony. Not an unruly, annoyance here to make life miserable, harder or half lived.

The word hormon originates from the meaning “that which sets in motion”

And set in motion they do. Hormones respond to the messages from us and our environment .

When we learn the communication system of our body we get to change our relationship with it - from getting by and surviving to optimising and thriving.

There is a reason why women have higher rates of autoimmune conditions.

There is a reason why painful, heavy, clotty, irregular menstrual cycles are occurring.

There is reasons why we experience turbulent symptoms through perimenopause. 

There is a reason why thyroid conditions are highest amongst women. 

There is reason why endometriosis, PCOS are on the rise. 

Acting as the messenger they are, your hormones, are sending a very clear & direct SOS. 

The question is, will you listen and honour the call?

It is time, to reacquaint yourself with your most powerful allies.

Let us harness our hormones for their true powers-  protection, survival, expression, sensitivity, sensuality, vitality, creativity,  radiance.

Let me connect you back to the wisdom that exists within you.


The menstrual cycle as the messenger (and conduit for creativity, flow, life force)

Decoding the messages from your cycle & adapting accordingly

Understanding where/how hormones are made and why this matters most

Learning the web / interplay of hormones and appreciating where you need to start to support them

The best way to assess your hormones

Q & A

the details

A replay of a session I conducted live

90 minute session + notes package

No refunds available.

Due to the nature & depth of this session I highly suggest clearing your schedule to show up live, on time, and in a non distracted state, to fully receive the experience as intended.


Your ability to know and navigate yourself & your health is your armour.

As we come together in this session to re-learn our innate body wisdom, to learn how to listen to the whispers and honour the calls, more unlocks, more becomes available to us.

We start to trust our instincts, hear the intuitive nudges, listen when our body gives us feedback, continually gather intel about ourselves,  appreciate our individuality, set our environment conducive to our biology,  honour the rhythms, optimise based on what we learn & where we are at and we constantly evolve our understanding of ourselves and our requirements. 

This is the new standard we set for ourselves and our daughters.

We show up, to get to know our insides, to get to know ourselves.

I cannot wait to see you live in hormone harmony.

Claim your seat now.


I am constantly refining my health practices based on information gathering.

It is actually where I invest most of my resources (time, energy, money) - whether it is listening to symptoms that crop up, learning more about my health history, functional testing, blood work etc).

Understanding the workings of your body allows you to take aligned action that overrides motivation and feel more like devotion to self.  

You (and your health journey) are meant to evolve.  

I’m honoured to serve a role in that evolution in Hormone harmony.


  • I will not be able to give your personalised medical advice based on your specific concerns, this requires a personal working relationship.

  • What I teach and express is based on my own personal research, experience, education and is not intended to be medical advice.

  • The learnings from this session, integration, next steps & action is your responsibility, not mine.

  • The transmission is best served live. Please do everything you can to show up for yourself live, undistracted, with your camera on.

  • I understand if this is not possible, and the recording will be delivered to your inbox.

  • There are no refunds.