When the world goes left, go right ….

When the world goes left, go right ….

I’ve been thinking how to best contribute to you, given the current times, without contributing to the noice and expert status that everyone has overnight turned into.

My top three strengths are 1. Intellection 2. Input 3. Learner , it may sound impressive but I assure you it can be very difficult to conceptualise my current thinking in times like these. In fact, I would say these strengths, mean I actually find I have less to say.

I don’t pretend to know the answers to what is the best course of action during times like these. 

I have some thoughts … ones I have pondered, analysed and scrutinised as I sit back and watch and learn from the happenings around me.

What I can do is share with you are my own feelings and thoughts in hope they may help or provide comfort in some small way.  I don’t under appreciate the enormity of difficulties this time brings to many - whether it is health related - for those at high risk,  the economical impact this will have globally, the financial constraints this causes in salaries, budgets, or the emotional turmoil and uncertainly many are feeling. 

Like you, we will personally be affected by one or more of the above, so I am with you, in all the feels. 

But I’ve been contemplating the below and it’s how I am going to get through this….

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When the world goes left, may you consider going right?

When there is fear, find peace

Anxiety creeping in? You’re not alone friend. There’s a global level of anxiety. Even if you are ok, it’s likely you’re picking up on other peoples vibe.

To find peace -

  • Unfollow social media accounts that are contributing to this. You get to decide what comes in via social media. Is it time to do a tidy up? I try keep who I am following to under 200, ideally 100.

  • Create boundaries around your social media time, it’s a vortex.

  • Only read news to stay informed and then get off (limit to reputable sources)

  • Get outside in nature.  I actually feel like M.Nature is recovering while the chaos unfolds. Today I saw a fleet of butterflies, swarming the sky. Find comfort in the fresh air we have to breathe in, the sunlight on our skin, and the beauty that is all around us 

  • Be present with your children and loved ones. Those closest to you will be picking up on your energy so be very careful to spread peace not fear

  • Music + oils - sensory inputs elicit physiological changes. You can literally change your state, in an instant this way. 

  • My oils of choice at the moment: Adaptiv, Peace (the reassuring blend), Consoles (the comforting blend), Frankincense, Wild Orange, Bergamot, Easy Air, OnGuard, Eucalyptus.

  • You can WATCH THIS VIDEO for way to support your immune system.

  • Immerse yourself in a project/hobby/book that you’ve been wanting to do/create but haven’t had time. 

  • Share your gifts with others

When there is uncertainty , find trust

No-one is coming to save us. Not even if a vaccine gets pushed to market. Vaccines take years to develop and they should. Do we really want fear driving a quick injectable? Those things take time, let’s give it the due time to ensure safety. 

To find trust -

  • What can I do to build health in my body? When you trust in your own body, because you know you’ve been doing the work daily, not just in a pandemic, you build trust within yourself (WATCH THIS VIDEO)

  • What have I been neglecting that right now feels like the time to start taking actioning? 

  • Seek empowered knowledge and suggestions from those  “living” the example

  • Perspective is everything. You can shift it in any moment. 

  • Have we survived hard times before? Are there people far worse off than us currently? Do hard times build strength and resiliency? 

  • How can I use this time of hardship to shape how I choose to move into the future? What do I need to let go of or add in right now?

  • Go outside and look up … there is always bigger picture at play.

When there is selfishness, find kindness

Operating from a place of scarcity brings more lack into your life and robs you of joy. If* you run out of toilet paper or food for a week would you die? Seriously, would you? If you had to walk next door and ask for a roll or a can, you better hope your neighbour is feeling kind and not selfish.

To find kindness:

  • Give more. 

  • This can be in the form of a smile, a helping hand, an active listening ear, a hand spritz. Speaking of which to make: Add 3 Tbsp rubbing alcohol, 1 Tbsp fractionated coconut oil, 20 drops of OnGuard essential oil blend into a 30ml spray bottle.

  • Be patient with others, most people are doing their very best.

  • Show appreciation to others.

  • Especially those showing up for you. eg. Your local cafe, health professionals, teachers, staff, businesses, anyone doing their bit to ease the burden - send them a message of appreciation, trust me when I say, you remember “those” people!

When there is isolation, find connection

Whilst we are being told to keep our distance from others, that doesn’t mean we cannot connect on a deeper level. This may be with yourself, with your family, and with nature. You may also find connection in your local or online community.

To find connection:

  • Go for a family hike or walk 

  • Play some old board games

  • Create magic together in the kitchen 

  • Watch a family movie 

  • Lean into your community - post, comment, share, contribute, ask for help

  • Pick up the phone (grateful for FaceTime) and have a chat to a friend or family member 

When there is noise, find quiet

Right now, it feels very noisey. Seek out the quiet places and people that bring more calm into your life.

To find quiet:

  • Support local businesses (chances are you are the only one in the coffee shop?), in person, online, by ordering take away, or promoting their services. 

  • Go to nature, she’s offering so much bliss right now

  • Take a nap 

  • Ponder, wonder, around the house and garden. 

  • It is in the quiet times that you will find the solutions you need to evolve through this

When there is dis-ease, find ease

What if the healthy option was the easy option? What if eating real, whole foods, was easy? What if moving your body the way it was deigned to be moved, was easy? What if resting and restoring, was easy? What if caring for yourself the way you care for others, was easy. What is low-tox living was easy?

To find ease:

  • Nourish with whole-foods. Pop it all in a slow cooker. Recreate your Nan’s/Mum’s iconic meals. Flip through some recipe books or google. Execute. Everyone starts somewhere. 

  • Move your body daily. Go for a walk after work. Join a gym. Get an online coach. Your body is a vehicle, a vessel, designed to create motion, through you. When you neglect this design it creates “dis-ease”

  • Need a nap, have one. Go to bed early. Wake up later. 

  • Book a massage, hit the sauna, make a foot soak (1/4 baking soda, 1/2 cup od Mg salts, 3 drops each Thyme, Patchouli & Peppermint), pop on a mud mask, have a bath. 

  • Spend some time refining your processes, automate, delegate, clean up. 

  • Life is meant to be lived fully without restriction, so move through the discomfort as on the other side awaits, the ease and freedom you desire

We are all experiencing some major global shake ups. Like it or not, this has gotten our attention, one way or another.

Right now, we all have a choice how we will evolve, moving forward.

What we do individually affects the whole, you may not feel like it does, but we would be totally remiss to think that our actions do not influence those around us, our planet and the much bigger ecosystem that provides for us. 

Choose where you spend your time wisely friends, now more than ever, be kind to those around you, stay curious and hopeful for what’s to come.

Together, we may just rise out stronger.

Much love,

Chantel xx


Why is my hair disappearing?


Vanilla, Coconut + Lavender Panna Cotta